U-pick Blueberry

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 | Series: Summer 2016, Oregon ILLINOIS 2016

  • Published on: 21-Aug-2016
  • Posted by: @lm!ng

U-pick Blueberry

Travel Date:

Saturday, 23rd July 2016

It's summer and time to enjoy farm picking under the heat of the sun. After our park visits in Lowden State Park and Oregon Park East, we drove to a nearby town called Rochelle to do the blueberry picking. We arrived at our destination for about 18 minutes from Oregon. Granny's Berries is a family owned business established on 1981. I headed towards the farmhouse, and I was greeted by a lovely lady instructing us where to park and do the picking.

Granny's Berries
Granny's Berries

The blueberry orchard is just across the farmhouse, and the parking is just a few meters away from where berries are planted. From the designated parking area, I saw a lady customer who started picking her berries. With a basket in our hands, off we went to begin picking those ripe blueberries in the orchard. Did a taste test and those berries are so sweet!; We all enjoyed the picking, and the weather was cooperating. Maybe an hour after, two families came and did some picking. We all enjoyed what we were doing that we forgot the time. It was already past 1:00 pm when we headed back to the farmhouse to pay. This time, it was Granny - the owner who attended us during payment. Before we left, Granny offered us her blueberry muffins that she baked 5:00 am. Sweet Granny!  This trip inspired me to bake my very first Blueberry Muffins. Check it out here how it turns out!

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