A Collector's Story

Up Close and Personal

  • Published on: 03-Mar-2014
  • Posted by: @lm!ng

A Collector's Story

My interest in collecting items began during the primary years. At first I used to collect stuff toys or dolls as presents. Proud to say, I was lucky enough during the first ten years of my childhood. They spoiled me with some pleasant stuff, beautiful dresses including good food. My father was the most thoughtful person, and I was her only baby girl. He was fond of me and had no choice but to provide me the best. Then, I was interested in collecting stationaries and stickers when I had a chance to meet my two lovely cousin’s (Fiah and Michelle) from Manila. One summer, they spent their school break in our hometown, and we instantly became playmates. Summer break was over, but we continued our communications thru letters (snail mail). It was always a surprising moment every time I got to receive their letters from the mail carrier. I usually received different styles, colors or shapes of envelope and stationaries with stickers inside. Honestly, was ashamed whenever I sent them my letters because I always used the same stationery pad. So I asked my father to buy a new one. Surprisingly, it was a new pad but unfortunately, Papa didn’t notice there was a transparent background with couple kissing.  Then suddenly I stopped collecting and realized that there were more important things to attend to like school, church.  Spoiling of some favorite stuff and the beautiful dress ended when Papa left us. God knows how I terribly missed him, but I just kept myself busy with school and church activities. Later in high school, I reckoned that I didn’t stop collecting at all. Instead, I started keeping my school notebooks and even my college notes. Not sure if I still have those back home. But the last thing I know, they already disposed it last year.

When did I start collecting Precious Moments figurines?  It began Jan 2009 when I saw the real Precious Moment pieces in Precious Thots store in Tampines Mall.  I feel in love on how cute and lovely the couple figurines. It was so impressive on how detailed it was made and how brilliant the sculpture was. The item is made of bisque porcelain. The first figurine I bought was “Love One Another”. I learned that this figurine was one of the original 21 and the first Precious Moment drawing. Since we moved here, I’ve always wanted to own a nativity set. So I bought the holy family first (Papa Joseph, Mama Mary, and Baby Jesus). Then whenever I saved up something, I slowly bought the rest of the nativity set until I got it all the pieces. I decided to become a member of Precious Thots, to get discounts and to receive a free membership figurine.

I did more research about the items and discovered about limited edition figurines. They are quite expensive, but I can possibly sell them online more than what I’ve paid for. The price will depend on the condition and the type and they have this collector’s book which used to refer the value of the figurine. My first limited edition PM figurine was “Our Love Makes A Lasting Impression”.  A very romantic figurine! It reminds me of the Ice Castle movie. One day, I realized I’m becoming a collector, the numbers of items are increasing and the boxes were piling up.

As a collector, it was a bonus, a highlight, a very unforgettable event, a precious moment when I visited the Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage, Missouri, USA. I’m always grateful for my family who planned that trip for me. It was a dream came true for someone like me who loves Precious Moments.
In this site, I’ve provided the “New Additions” section to show those new items I’ve just added to my collection. Do explore more and drop me a message if you have some questions.

To God Be The Glory.

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