Old Dutch Pancake House

Posted: 2014-05-22 | @lm!ng

During our walking siteseeing tour with our good friend RJ, he introduced us to Old Dutch Pancake House along the Flower Market in Singel. Most of their customers were dinning outside so we decided to stay inside the restaurant. The place looks simple and old but homey. Took some pictures while we're waiting for our orders. The waitress who took our orders seemed nice.

Orders arrived and what a surprise when I saw how big is the pancake! It was like a pizza. We enjoyed our afternoon snack having 2 flavours of pancakes: Chocolate and Ham 'n Cheese.


Additional Info: 

t Singeltje Old Dutch Pancake House
Address: Singel 494
1017 AW Amsterdam Netherlands
Open today 10:30 am – 6:00 pm

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